Sunday, January 30, 2011

Heaven For Me

Talking about heaven. I just wanna tell you my definition about what heaven is.

For me, heaven are:

When me and my family sit at the dining room after having breakfast, lunch, or dinner. And then we talk about everything, that called quality time. We share about anything about what we think that time.

When I listen to favorite songs while browsing, blogging, or any online surfing about what I interest at.

When I listen to the music that could cooling me down, when I get mad. Listen to something jazzy.

When I have a quality time with my bestiest, and that time I realized what a sister means, eventhough we’re not born in a same family.

When I came to place that called “a little heaven”. I mean a place that really really beautiful. And you can feel what the meaning of peace there.

Heaven is when... shopping time! Hahaha shop till you drop, and your money never get drop too! Haha. Heaven for every girl.

With boyfriend. Hmmm. Heaven in when you stare at his eyes, and found what love is. Talking about everything without any pressure. Without any “gap”. For me, his smartness, his knowledge about everything around the world are heaven too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quote of The Day

"The best revenge is living well."
Naluri Bella Wati

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Late Surprise

Holiday is comiiiing!

Yap, Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) pertama buat maba 2010 seperti saya ini akhirnya berakhir. Liburan akhirnya datang, meskipun ngejalaninnya sambil nunggu hasil UAS kemarin. Yang penting setiap hari harus rajin-rajin berdoa aja biar IP pertama bisa mencapai target. Berdoa biar bisa dapet beasiswa. Insyaallah amiiiiin.

Hari terakhir ketemu temen-temen kuliah sebelum liburan dimulai kemarin, saya dan mereka memang ngerencanain buat refreshing seharian abis UAS sebelum pisah satu bulan. Akhirnya kita datang ke Kafe Pisa, di daerah sekitaran Pakuwon Trade Centre. Kafe yang cukup cozy. Good food, good price too.

Daaaaaan ternyata di hari itu mereka bikin ‘late surprise’ buat saya. I was so surprised! Waktu tanggal 26 Desember kemarin mereka emang ga ngapa-ngapain. Tapi bener-bener ga nyangka mereka bakal ngasi surprise waktu itu. Padahal pas hari H, kata mereka uda banyak banget keceplosan tentang surprise itu. Tapi saya ga ngeh juga. Rasanya memang saya yang terlalu polos atau emang bodoh kalo udah menyangkut tentang surprise thingy gitu. Hahaha. Jadi inget saya pernah dikasi ‘late surprise’ juga dari sahabat-sahabat saya di ultah ke-17 dulu. Mereka sampe bener-bener bikin saya nangis gara-gara bilang Iko, bakal pindah ke Jakarta. Dan saya ga ngertinya itu kenapa saya polos aja percaya.

Jadi intinya kalo mau bikin surprise buat saya itu gampang banget, karena saya bakal percaya sama apaaa aja yang bakal kalian bilang.

Vina, Julek, Sekar, Iyak, Rissa, Arni. Thanks banget yah sayang! Rasanya jadi kayak lagi baca bagian akhir Angels and Demons, yang uda kebuka semua clue teka-tekinya, waktu kalian nyebutin satu-satu apa aja yang uda keceplosan. Hihihi.

Thanks for Cupipi and super-cute-handmade-cupcakesnyaaaa! Love it soooo much! And the birthday card too of course. Thanks sooo much guys! Love youuu!

Here is some pictures of that Late Surprise. Soooo much cute, isn’t it?

was so surprised!

Vina took this, so she couldn't appear in this photo

Me and Julek

Cupipi and the cupcakes. How cute Cupipi is!

from left: Vina, Iyak, Julek, Me, Sekar, Rissa, Arni

And now holiday is coming, and I'm home already! Yesss, gonna spend this holiday with the bestiest and beloved family. Will be a fun holiday, I hope.
And happy holiday too for you guys! :)

Monday, January 10, 2011


I just need you to pray for me (just in case if you’re pleased to do that hihi):

Wish me luck for the exam

Wish me could reach that dream

Wish Me,


Bismillah ya Allah..

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011!



Wohooo, akhirnyaaa 2011 menghampiri kita. Dan kemarin adalah perayaan tahun baru yang cukup menyenangkan. Datang bersama keluarga ke Flapjaks & Stadium Cafe, Sanur, dan lanjut nyusul teman-teman yang udah stand by di vila Uter di daerah Seminyak buat ngerayain tahun baru. Yeah it’s mean I celebrated it with most important people in my life, both family and bestfriends.

Welcoming this year with smile, love and best wishes, I hope I could through 2011 well. Ga munafik, hanya berharap, 2011 nanti tidak seberat 2010. And I really hope I could get all of my resolution in this year! Bismillaaaah. Amin.

Should I mention what was happening in 2010 and what is my resolution in 2011?

Hmm, maybe it should be my private notes. But I promise you I would post my resolutions-come-true later. I WILL.

Here is the pic of me and my family at the celebration. Unfortunately I couldn't take any at Uter's villa.