will i be one of them?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The World Gonna Take Me Into?
I don't know who I am.. Zzz.. Saya yakin semua orang punya sisi labil. Even orang dewasa yang katanya sudah matang pemikiran2nya. Dan setelah sekian lama berusaha keras untuk ga labil lagi, sepertinya saya kembali mengalaminya. Ga tau knp skrg ini saya seperti kehilangan arah. Ups, terlalu berlebihan. Ngga. Saya cuma bertanya-tanya sebenernya jati diri saya seperti apa? Saya ingin menjadi apa? Apa yg harus saya fokuskan? Saya ga mau, apalagi di masa kuliah dan mencari kerja skrg ini, saya ketinggalan start atau bahkan salah memilih jalan sehingga akhirnya saya menjadi semut di antara gajah yang sama sekali ga tampak di mata dunia. Tapi kenyataannya, saya masih belum tau gift dari Tuhan buat saya yang org lain ga punya itu apa? Apa yg buat saya beda dr org lain? Saya benar2 capable di bidang apa? Saya ga mau jawaban2 dr pertanyaan saya ini datengnya telat. Bismillah, semoga seiring berjalannya waktu, jawaban2 itu datang di saat yang tepat dan membimbing saya jadi orang yang nantinya dilihat dunia.
New Life
I don't know how to describe my new life here. In Surabaya. I've lived here for a month. But I still feel sooo plain. Plain. Up and down maybe. Sometimes I feel so cozy, but sometimes I still feel homesick, miss Bali so much. How can I didn't miss the place where I grew up. The place where I got so much love. So much hurt, memories. Even I have a boyfriend right now there, but the top of the list the person I miss is my family. I miss how the home's warm. I miss the warm of my mom's hug, the warm of my dad's kiss, the warm of me and my brother's chat. I miss them so much. I feel so, 'tertohok' in indonesia, when I imagine that those moments, maybe, won't come again, because as u know, as we know, after have a four years studies, the next step is I have to walk into "a work world". Which is, if I choose to work in Surabaya again, it means I have no opportunities to have a quality time again with my beloved family. I have no opportunities to ask them to spoiled me again. Hahh.. Hopefully everything won't gonna be like that. The second is, I miss my girls so bad. As u know, adaptation step is very HARD. Find someone who has a same character with the ones who always could makes you feel comfort before, is very very hard. Moreover they have a different culture. Different language, different jokes, different mocks. Find the one who you can tell her every story, every person in your life, your past, your habit, blablabla. Have a same sense (of music, taste, fashion, and so on), have a high spirit to study but doesn't forget to enjoy the life, have a same knowledge. Haaaaaahhh.. Is that looks that I'm too greedy? But I mean it, I mean, who doesn't want to have a perfect life, perfect friends, perfect family? Right? And the third is, I want a real "the one". As I wrote in my note. But sorry I won't publish it. Don't know when I could publish it. If I've found him maybe, if a have a bunch of brave too.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thanks For Curing Me...
Every steps that I take
When I walk with you
It's felt so wonderful
Honestly, It's hard for me
to smile...
to breath...
When I know you're sad
I know that you will be
Far away from me
But your calm voices
Will always be here
In my memories
Even I realize that
We couldn't together yet
But I can' pretending my feeling for you
I love you...
I won't this feeling faded by the time
So I just think to tell it now
And every word that you say
about feeling, love and hope
Will always be my sweetest memories
Whenever, wherever I am...
Sincerely yours,
When I walk with you
It's felt so wonderful
Honestly, It's hard for me
to smile...
to breath...
When I know you're sad
I know that you will be
Far away from me
But your calm voices
Will always be here
In my memories
Even I realize that
We couldn't together yet
But I can' pretending my feeling for you
I love you...
I won't this feeling faded by the time
So I just think to tell it now
And every word that you say
about feeling, love and hope
Will always be my sweetest memories
Whenever, wherever I am...
Sincerely yours,
Yah, setelah sekian lama mencari obat, merasa menemukan, dan mencoba memakai obat itu untuk mengobati hati saya, akhirnya saya sembuh. Sembuh dari penyakit "keras" saya. Kayaknya ga perlu disebutin penyakit apa, karena yang ingin saya bagi hanyalah tentang obatnya.
Thanks so much, Tha. Thanks u so much for curing me. For healing my pain.
Dengan segala aral melintang yang menghalangi niat kamu menyembuhkan saya, tapi akhirnya ga sia-sia.
Saya sudah sembuh...
Love u so much, Tha... Terima kasih karena udah jadi penyembuh, pelindung, dan pengawas aku selama ini. Meskipun harus dijalani dengan long-distance-relationship, aku yakin kita bisa ngelaluinnya :)
I love you, Gede Surya Indrawan
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